EFoL 3 - Cult Chat

Doesnt make sense, as he wouldnt have a way to know it was him who killed alice, and he didnt in fact.

You dont get that feedback, that you killed someone, but its the only reason for the soft imo, that or hes just trying to put extreme pressure

Dat why are you helping sulit.

Whatever, probably better than if you pushed him, since you are also suspicious

cuz the proposed theory makes no sense and there are logical reasons to doubt it, plus it makes me fit more of my town meta

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Yeah, agree, sorry, i probably have no right to dictate how you play in thread when i myself decided to barely play.

Hey man I accept the critiques, Im trying to be better overall.

wtf Kai, honestly wtf

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Lets just bus you and get sulit in jail hopefully.

It pisses me off that kape considers all people who didnt claim potential scum.

Kai fucked up.

God Im pissed, we had a chance with me walking safely til tomorrow or prince killed, but no Kai is like no just gonna drop everything after how much we both invested in the push. WTH

I hate that scorned can side BD with no repricussions but if they side scum they are like heavily punished early game.

Astand ok if I just go into lolcatting

Yes, there is no point.

Kai is silly if he thinks bd will lynch sog lol

I’m going to bleed prince probably now.

I think we might consider converting Sog.

Bad thing about Kai outing is that he made the game less fun as well, disregarding that it’s bad for us.


You don’t disagree with bleeding Kyo now, right? It will only make it less likely that Wazza heals him.