EFoL 3 - Cult Chat

So not like ToL huh.

Datbird: /debauch Sogman into WazzaAzza @Solic

Iā€™ll add this here too I suppose:

AreteSlashStars was imprisoned!


Well, ok then, one fewer person in Prince PoE. Weird choice to jail though, I wonder whoā€™d do that. Someone who must have been skeptical of her, and there were a few people.

Iā€™m gonna do a reread later trying to check, my guess from memory would be Kape or Soul

Yeah, main thing is to not forget to change the target, but we should reread first.

KyoDaz is not prince, since heā€™s tunneling SogMan.


Could be Kai, I guess. Jail out of caution.

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Sulit I think wouldā€™ve chosen Frost or DatBird.

Frost has a narrow view on the game and I donā€™t think he even cares about Areteā€¦ Doubt Frost is Prince.

Kape has a non-clearing role, which he admitted.

Soul is possible.

Alice could do anything, but sheā€™s dying anyway.

But Iā€™d think she would rather jail/exe who she thinks is wolfy.

Hja doesnā€™t seem very likely, but who knows.

Priestess King (likely Devout)
Kape Weak BD role
Alice Not too likely Prince
AreteSlashStars Not Prince
KyoDaz 90% Not Prince
H_Hja Drunk?
Kai_5 Likely Prince
Possessed Invest? Not occ immune
WazzaAzza Alchemist
Sulit Likely Not Prince
Frostwolf103 BD Killer/Offensive? Likely Not Prince
Soulshade55r Likely Prince
Twil1ight/SogMan Paladin

I think investing Kai is worth it, since knowing Prince for certain is much better than speculation, and we can waste an entire night of their jail.

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Well, bewilder doesnā€™t work on prince, so that plan is cancelled.
Still good idea to know who they are.

I donā€™t think Wazza would heal bleeds, since he just loses the game if he does that.

I will bleed close to EoD just in case.

Arete is jailed

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Also I probably should target someone else, as I canā€™t investigate Arete.