EFoL 3 - Cult Chat

Not today to decide probably. I already said Sog shouldn’t out his check immediately, so we’ll have time to think D3.

Well, I also must have some sort of check tomorrow, so we might both mislynch AND trick the prince’s jail.

One of these deaths should be NK.

Btw 7v7, BD has officially lost majority.

Wait if Im not jailed Sog is, we will see though

Maybe no one got jailed.

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Wait, wtf I’m even on, you must debauch Kape, who is Knight.

He can still decide to risk the CS on you or Htm, who he suspects.

we will send him to Soul, just so Alice dont come back

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Well, this won’t happen as Dat has to get killed somewhere, unless BD somehow manages to lose majority absolutely.

@solic @maxwell Night 2 actions:

Astand: /convert Sogman
DatBird: /debauch Kape into Soulshade
Htm: /All-seeing eye on Possessed

Nk has no reason to kill sogman and the only reason we might fail to convert him is if he smites, but then he’d have no checks, so it won’t be a catastrophe at least.
Possessed wanted to prove Priestess’ bleed by delaying her bleed and attacking someone, imo that sounds like a plan NK could make to pose as Chrono. I want to make sure.

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@htm you need a claim, my knight idea was crapshoot, but can you think of something? Or I should try?

I was thinking of maybe claiming an investigative class like princess but I honestly don’t know at this point

(Also I hate time zones)

Meh, kinda crappy and people will question why you didn’t soft anything on D2.

Since you should’ve had results.


I did soft investigative day one

However no one actually noticed.

I mean, you might try if we find NK in Possessed, but I thought about outing him myself as incompatible if he’s NK.

And I kinda don’t want both of us to claim investigative.

Hmm… fair

Could I maybe claim an offensive class like butler?

Not fantastic either as both Frost and Alice are butlers… 3 claims is not impossible, but people don’t like when that happens.

I’ll try to look at class list.