EFoL 3 - Cult Chat

bruh if this is the second game that I get redchecked and dont get lynched for it, thats gonna be my reputation forever

Possessed is Chronomancer.

do we have an occupier?

oh wait me

I think decent convert.

oh and hes a great scum player too

bleed at EOD is plan right?

That was my idea. Another benefit: if someone claims bleed, NK will not attack them.

So by doing bleed at EoD, the chance of NK attacking one of us is slightly reduced.

And also I donā€™t want a chance of Wazza deciding to heal or 1 person getting cleared today by being bled.

omg yes we have someone vig him so I dont get killed til tomorrow yes, Possessed Yes

Prince exeing him would be perfect.

I just realized, SogMan was likely Ice warded (since our debauch failed) and yet if thatā€™s so he couldnā€™t be flirted. However, no one claims ice ward on Sog.

This might mean Alice was CW and we got super lucky by killing her.


In response to Priestess asking if there is another healer.

I think Soul is Prince and Arete claimed healer.

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Looks like Hja is CW after all.

Youā€™ll probably have to sit out in jail, Dat.

do I say Im a drunk who redirected Hjas last night or would that be to conveinant

Yeah, too convenient, but you may try, why not.

Although it might just end up with people cleared by pushing you.

ok who do I say Hjas visited

And Iā€™m in low effort mode to distance from you too much.

Yeah, Priestess is obvious DK.