EFoL 4&3/4 - Game Thread - Day 5 (5/16) - The Blue Dragon and Scorned are victorious!

you wouldn’t understand
the internet was a different place in 2009

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insert amelia nyah emote

the internet? I played it I R L


in this context a pity convert would be “if you fail a conversion 3 times you get one at random”

it’s not supposed to ever happen but existed so this game doesnt happen


it leads to some awkward interactions when you are forced to say “I lost the game” in the middle of an unrelated conversations with friends who don’t know about it

what is this mechanic and why is it a thing





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it isn’t a thing anymore and we’re currently questioning why it wasn’t in place for situations like exactly this game :joy_cat:

cult specifically rely strongly on converts

conversion bad tbh


Return to vanilla 4v13

return to JOAT^2, the best setup


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I had a game where wolves missed kills N1 N2 N3 N5 if you want to make this a competition

Cult had one convert replaced with a kill, and one or two of them stopped legitimately by good village night actions
I feel like giving a pity convert would make chain-saves less rewarding for the village roles that did it?

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I watched like one Harry Potter movie ever and just remembered that it had a station something and 3/4th.

valid point

i think pity conversions mighta been removed due to the guaranteed NE spawn which would generally make missing conversions Less Bad

or it was an accident

probably the former actually if i think about it from geydes pov

also is that why the title was 4^&3/4 i thought they were just being silly

harry potter bad

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if there were an NK instead of a guaranteed NE here Cult would be so hosed lul

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NK also bad and im glad it’s no longer in FoL

especially after my second favorite sister won as NK that one time

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Alice is your sister?

I’m like
entirely unsure what place NK fills in FM at all


katze has died! They were: