EFoL 4&3/4 - Game Thread - Day 5 (5/16) - The Blue Dragon and Scorned are victorious!

nobody besides Min, you, and I seems to be particularly concerned with Marl’s gambit
so I’m not sure if there’s something all 3 of us are failing to see that everyone else knows or if this game is bastard and we have 3 non-scum vs. the rest of the game lol

sarcasm btw, I know it’s not a bastard game but it sure fucking feels like one.

Or everyone just doesn’t care about it because ignoring stuff like that is cool.

sarcasm btw.

In all seriousness, @PokemonKidRyan. Your sudden “Marl isn’t flaking under pressure” when Marl hadn’t posted yet is suspicious as fuck. Explain it

this is just unfounded paranoia
people aren’t jumping away from my wagon
they weren’t on it in the first place because they townread me

I don’t think people properly read into exactly what happened in that interaction and they’re just like “oh Marl pulled a gambit, must be town” without realizing he was mechanically outed in at least two different ways to be BSing, plus his fake redcheck looks even worse when you consider he was hiding that he was occ’d.

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No one townreads you. You keep using that word like it’s going to help your case.

There’s nothing to exactly make you Town here. You tried to defend yourself and made yourself worse but of course the players who don’t want to read shit just love appearing and fucking everything up.

No, there’s actually people saying they townread Marl for some godforsaken reason.

that’s actually a no
I TL’d you before the gambit
and since then you haven’t done enough to make me slap the TL back on you.
a lot of people haven’t been TRing you so I doubt that’s why. there are just people out specifically after Amelia for some unknown reason and it looks like an agenda push to me because LHF.

multiple people have said that they do
you are not everyone
stop being self centered

Marl, you’re neither consensus TR’d nor SR’d

SorRy I lOVe eXaGgERaTinG tHinNgS.

There’s nothing more annoying than people who think they know everything going on in the day just showing up, refusing to read a thing of what happened earlier and then just blind placing votes. I’m fucking done with it.

No fucking point putting effort into a game just for this to happen, so I’ll just go back to doing the same. Good luck.


The extreme salt from a wagon going from someone in your PoE to another person you want to lynch in your PoE is fucking incredibly telling

actually if Derps is doing what I think he’s doing, he’s either BD or evil and not a neut (unless neut evil).

I have a right to be salty. FoL is shit and I didn’t want to in into this game in the first place. So the moment I put in effort to actually try and play the game for my wincon, actually try and play the game to help my faction, no matter what I do the spreading virus of people just like “Meh, no point in reading, I saw this happen earlier, imma stick with it”.

Maybe if people actually read the interaction they’d realise it all, but no just because your little buddies have showed up you have the confidence of an astronaut going to space.

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why are you only picking on Wazza for this, though?
I don’t like people jumping off your wagon to Amelia, either, I’ve voiced this, and I’m not getting any shit for saying it?

it’s because his scummates are controlling the thread and BD isn’t reading for shit so he knows they’ll win.
I can see why Soul said that much earlier in the day.

Took you long enough.

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