EFoL 4&3/4 - Game Thread - Day 5 (5/16) - The Blue Dragon and Scorned are victorious!

deadass i thought it was min for like
the entire game

I tried to soft it less hard before but it didn’t work and my self control is legit -8

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because i think wazza is scum with amelia

SDA isn’t Prince. Not even in the mood for this.

gj, you baited the prince claim just as you wanted

can we just kill Marl now

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Make your mind up. Am I directly in your Null? Am I the convert? Am I scum with Amelia? Ooooo, please enlighten me on what you fucking want to say instead of flipflopping so fucking much.

i specifically told the prince NOT to claim to save me earlier…

bro you need to chill out

not exactly

I mean they don’t feel the need to post too much and flail.
That in itself proves they’re not flailing under pressure.

You can check me if you want.
You’ll just see I’ll be honest in the end.

And you need to get your story straight. Make your complete fucking mind up.

I don’t see it
like, at all

PKR do me a favour and genuinely read what happened last night instead of acting like you know it all.

legit i dont want you to be force subbed out for being toxic
relax and talk to me like a normal human being

And I don’t mean skim. I mean read.

yeah just… leave it at that lol
Derps has claimed prince so w/e
let’s just set the thread on fire and move to the night phase

If I get replaced out for being toxic, I get replaced out for being toxic, genuinely do not care.

Get your story straight. Am I the convert? Am I your direct Null? Am I starting scum with Amelia? Where are we going with this, Marl, go on.

i’ve already answered this question and i’m not going to respond with you if you’re just going to be pissy with me

I’m going to finish up my school work and then return to the thread when I’m not so pissed off at people acting like they know everything going on without reading a thing of last nights interaction.