Emotional stress in Fol/FM

On a side note it won’t let me maximize the undertale window it’s just a tiny box in the middle of my screen help

As scum you get the thrill of doing crazy stuff and winning the game. It’s very fun to win as scum, because your effort is rewarded when you win.

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You see but I don’t like putting effort in as scum because it stresses me the hell out

The stress is worth it.

I’ve always felt that being scum is like playing 14 dimensional chess, while as town you can just do your usual thing. Too much effort for me.

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maybe it’s because I’m used to doing crazy things as scum and town

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But can’t you just do that crazy stuff, because of your meta? I’m with a town meta that doesn’t allow me to pull crazy antics.

Just remember

If you lose it’s a game

If you win you accomplished the greatest thing you will ever do in your life


On other sites I’m less known to be that crazy

I still pull it off there

Playing scum is the thrill of manipulation. Just like in irl. But here you are allowed to manipulate them on malicious ways, so they believe your world you built for them.

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Getting weird signals here


I like to think of it as friendly manipulation because they agreed to it when they signed up


I know for me personally, it’s not hard to get excited as scum about mislynching townies (even if it’s also more stressful to play scum). When people actually started to believe me on D3 of LotR, I was having trouble containing my excitement in real life.


Until I actually succeed as scum it’s not really for me

Maybe because I haven’t been scum with someone I really know

Have you read the powerwolfing guide Geyde likes to link?

No I have not


I love the openwolfing one which is most like my playstyle

Do it anyway

D1 lynchedwolf is my playstyle