Emotional stress in Fol/FM

You’re too aggressive for town with your “forcing” to make reads.

I think my deathtunnel days are just an old stereotype nowadays. I’ve worked a lot on reevaluating and recognizing wagons. See Ici in LOTRFM.

Too aggressive for what? How is it a detriment to my faction?

Obviously I don’t mind you asking about reads, but you’re too aggressive and insistent about it - and start it too early. Let people make contributions in their own, because thats when you get the best answers out of townies and the most obviously faked answer out of wolves.

Townies under pressure react almost identically to scum.

Its the same as randomly asking GTH questions like Arete does.


The thing is that for some players this doesn’t just magically happen.

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But your forcing doesnt help either so thats a null point.

Anyways just a bit of constructive criticism you may hit me with the same if you wish :stuck_out_tongue:

Just suggest making reads, help them by making them, ask for specific reads, don’t force them :wink:
Always think on that making reads is hard as hell, and a bit help often does wonders.

I usually don’t do this for the people that I townread, so I purposefully add pressure. I usually ask for the other people that I scumread too to build associations where there weren’t any before.

Doing any kind of analysis is really not that hard and it’s literally what you sign up for. Whether that’s emoji analysis, looking at interpunction or whatever, I’ll accept it as long as it’s something and you’ll motivate it.

A specific example would really work wonders here.

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“Scumreading isn’t hard” - Solic 2019


Scumreading correctly is hard. Putting forth any effort whatsoever to make a scumread is not.


He’s not saying that it’s easy to produce a correct read/analysis, he’s saying that producing analysis at all isn’t difficult.




Basically, it’s helpful when newbies make reads, even when those reads are wrong, because looking at their thought process makes it much easier to determine their alignment. (See me in FoL 22 or Tele in FoL 23).


But you forget, that everyone who makes reads, wants them to be at least somehow correct, so adding pressure on this is terrible and just leads you too fast to deathtunnel towns.

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I want to see you in a game with at least 5+ serial slankers and see how you feel afterwards.


Not every newbie is able to… I myself did my first wallpost read after… 5 months.
And I’m still often not able to tell you why i have a bad or a good feeling on people or on specific posts.

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I will never be in, I’m pretty sure, I’m not randomly inning… I’m looking on the player names and on the name of the host :eyes:
Since I’m the host of NFoL 4 with none replacement at all, let me say I’m pretty good in knowing what will happen.
If you add force, you just make people to want to replace out faster :woman_shrugging:

If the pressure I add to make any content whatsoever is making you replace out, then I don’t want to play with you anyway…

and the replacement might actually produce content, so it’d be +EV though.

Wallposts are not necessary

And in fact are often detrimental when made without good reason


Heavy aggressiveness and deathtunneling fellow townies? Yeah, I understand why people are frustrated with you then.