Emotional stress in Fol/FM

You’re phrasing them as townies, but they could easily be scum too… Kind of hard to tell if they haven’t produced any content.

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I may not necessarily agree with his methods, but I can at least see where Solic is coming from.

Can you not?


Just mindread them without them posting actually analyzable content

read their memes and determine their alignment off of how funny they are


Challenge them. Encourage them. Make them want to post content

Maybe I’m just weird and react atypically to things but that’s basically what Solic does already?

@Geyde thoughts on John Doe

@Geyde thoughts on John Doe or else we’re going to lynch you

@Geyde thoughts on John Doe or else we’re going to lynch you. If you actually post thoughts we will give you a lollipop


Also see Luxx in SFoL10

Not exactly what Solic means but it’s a tangentially related case of a newbie scum slipping up and getting pressured hard

But what happens next? Rather than continue to apply pressure and see a lynch through, everyone else started essentially babying the new player.

This line of thinking is backwards.

Ultimately we lost to the scum, simply because we were too afraid to let the newbie make mistakes and suffer for them.


At the end of the day we can’t afford to let trying to give new players a desire to learn overshadow the mistakes they should be learning from


And if that mistake is not contributing, I see no reason pressuring them to change, or even threatening to lynch them if they don’t, is at all the wrong move, both in and out of the context of the game.

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I challenge them with a CS threat. :upside_down_face:

(I’d actually say this is how Italy was found too when he was Cult)

the noose is a good encourager

very handy





@Ami you were literally the main part of the problem that game :laughing:


As village you get the joy of unravelling the unknown, changing the fate of the game with your every move.
As wolf, you constantly feel stressed by the fact that the villagers will figure out what you’re doing any second now, sometimes feeling second fiddle to the villager’s game.

It cuts both ways. Personally, I prefer villaging.


My favorite alignments, from best to worst: neutral survivor > neutral > cult > unseen > BD

Same, being village is fun

but, with wolf, you can pull off big brain plays

both are enjoyable, and it depends on what you like

I prefer villagers because I feel like the big brain plays are neccecary every single day wheras a single one can work as wolf, if that makes sense?


I just feel a lot of pressure as BD. Always everyone tells me to play better, to not throw, etc. it’s really tiring.
As neut or evil you can just do what you want :smiley:

Yea it makes sense

Village is small big brain plays over the game

wolf is one or two big brain plays that can swing the game in your favor