Emotional stress in Fol/FM

it wasn’t that

but anyway im done talking about this. I think part of it was that it was the first time i had faced that kind of tunneling. Hopefully if it happened to me again, it wouldn’t be so hard to cope with.

Would be nice I don’t want people to be afraid of playing fm I just rather someone not put themselves through that stress if they are in a bad place

You know what?..…
How about we solve this with a My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic FM?



Aight im sleeping gn.

I don’t want someone else to feel guilty either for being a reason way someone harmed themselves because they may just wanted them to try or play better but it lead to something they couldn’t imagine

A “hey shit can happen to you” warning will not help in the slightest, Soul :eyes:

that’s not the warning

I’m saying if you can’t handle stress that well you shouldn’t be in fms because it’s better for your mental health.

I’m not stopping anyone I’m just stating how I feel about it.

B-But it might help us get along :frowning:

it’s putting a bandaid on it


So you’re saying skill disparity causes the issues? Interesting take. Maybe you’re right.
NFoLs have less disparity by design, right? Were they less toxic on average?


Like, it’s probably rigged, you want to make a good impression on people. But it’s probably less toxic

it’s only natural to act differently when you first meet someone rather then knowing them for a while

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It all boils down to experience really.

What arguments did you personally see?
What reasoning did players have behind their posts?
Which alignment did you think they were at the end of each day?

And then you rinse and repeat. It works wonders, especially if you go onto a different site, with more experienced players.

Personally, my frustration comes from being unable to voice out my own reads, like I see a post, know it’s wrong, but for some darned reason am unable to articulate why. So I point and hopefully someone actually sees it

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I’m worried that any attempt at instituting an anti-deathtunneling rule, even if it were written in an alignment-neutral way, would end up spewing information about alignments.

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The day that rule is added is the day I leave this site tbh. Death Tunneling shouldn’t be taken personally, and if you take it personally I don’t think you should be playing the game