Emotional stress in Fol/FM

Tbh deathtunneling is a part of the game, and is used by people who are unsure and about lvl 1.5 to see whether they’re town or not. Either way, they gain info on that guy. And of course, it doesn’t feel good.

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also death tunneling is best gladiator play

if you are right :slight_smile:

If yall look at firekitten’s first game h-

we don’t talk about my first games


I have blackmail material XD

I’m not asking for it. Now that i’ve encountered tunneling towards me that is sent in a particularly merciless way once, I think I’m better equipped to handle it if that was ever directed towards me again.
Besides, I’ve been tunneled dozens of times in my 7 1/2 months on this site and that one instance from Vulgard in SFoL 53 was the only time I felt it was noticeably bad. It is very possible that I’ll never feel that way from a tunnel again.

I don’t even know what you are talking about

We should probably stop talking about SFoL 53, since it’s still ongoing.

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im not asking for an anti death tunneling rule is what i meant

It’s an ongoing game.
It shouldn’t be talked about.
It’s against the rules.


death tunnelling is fine that’s the issue you can’t just remove things if someone gets upset. At the end of the day fm in nature is a social game there may be effects your mental well being, players maybe sensitive and that’s fine, fms should have somewhat of a mental well being warning if you want to go with that route fundamental social mechanics shouldn’t be removed based on making someone upset. We should be looking out for players of course we should be trying to keep things civil but to a extent you don’t want to ruin or restrict everyone else.

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I think a great idea is to get Varanus on this site

Tbh it’s just bouts of “gosh no one actually understands me”

Yeah usually that happens but the more experienced you are the more you’ll get used to it
Sad but true
Pretty sure I’ll be using new arguments for my next few mafia games

Well NFoLs…
It depends. It really depends.
I don’t think we had any toxicity or other problems in our last NFoL, which I hosted. But I looked explicitely on not allowing questionable people.
We had quite a case of toxicity in the NFoL before that, I wasn’t happy at all about it (eh at least it was only directed against me, and not against a newbie).

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Also, I find turbos far more light hearted.

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Ya’ll need peeps like meee!

Turbos are fine, but rather play tol if I’m looking for a quick game.

Insert sad Umu face here