Emotional stress in Fol/FM

What about 2chan

Does that even exist? Or am i just making up random even numbers

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alright apparently dogola is brazilian-only





Or just do other important stuff when flustered
Attaching yourself to FM is bound to lead to catastrophic situations

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Yo that
That is my jam dude

One another thing.
Is it just my feeling, or is it that the “pressure” to play good; and that bad plays aren’t “acceptable”… wasn’t that high in the past, and it rised in the last months?
If yes, who is the origin of this pressure, and why :thinking:

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(And why the hell was the consens in this forum that Alice was only punishable for telling me to kys, and it’s okay that she told it to Isaac… is there a secret meta in this forum that it’s okay to be mean to bad players?)

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I guess there could be a couple reasons why

From my POV there was a lot of newer people to this site that joined in the past couple months or people came back.

Not sure if this is a regular thing for here but also noticed that a couple people to regularly don’t take the game seriously or slank a ton were prohibited from joining.

Also I’ve noticed a couple people taking breaks.

It could be a combination of all of these that caused a change in the community/playerbase that’s more focused on overall skill or winning.

Like if you compare player lists from like last year or before summer started to now they’re gonna be pretty different

I could just be over analyzing in this always happens in communities but
That’s my opinion.

I joined in the summer so I’m not an expert

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yes, it’s because of me, and it’s because i’m an asshole

Or this. This is valid.

This isn’t intended to be taken as a confession by the way. I think it’s important to not be an asshole to new/bad players, since if it weren’t for some ToS players taking my thought seriously for once I would never have had any motivation to get better.


I just had a ton of caffeine so my brains on hyper speed and I have no mafia game to take it out on

Isn’t it important not to be an asshole to everyone-


If I’ve come across as belittling in the past, it’s probably because I randed wolf. People should really never rand me wolf tbh :^)


you may think that, but i have some very intelligent and very not intellectually dishonest reasons for disagreeing with you


Like, I get being pissed off at people is part of the game but

Don’t be a mega asshole

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