Emotional stress in Fol/FM

And I was a wolf that game.

Which is apparently an excuse?

How is that relevant? Just because you rolled scum, doesn’t mean you can act like actual scum…

Nevertheless, I disagree with dredging up the very worst moments of someone (probably a year later now?)


I disagree with it too. I only did it because I got explicitely asked for it by that person.


there are no reasons to bring up past events, cause its gonna get ugly, and strain relationships

My Family suffers enough from that already.


I’m sorry, but you’re also presenting me as an absolute fucking monster who attacks people for no reason, and I don’t appreciate that. also what solic said, I’ve changed.

Let’s see… I also didn’t use language anywhere near as bad as that to criticse you modkilling Alice, but you cited it, and the context makes me seem like an absolute monster again.

That was an example of being toxic, not defending toxicity.

Also Ici criticized you for not force replacing instead of modkilling. That’s different (and also something that a newbie host shouldn’t be criticised for so harshly in my opinion)

I just wish you wouldn’t have said it’s okay because you were a wolf :eyes:

I am top toxic


in case you haven’t guessed I have anger issues, and i get frustrated playing wolf extremely interesting. the main difference between then and now is that I don’t deliberately release my worst tendencies to try and get villageread

The original assertion implies that I’m “defending toxicity” by explaining why I’m still a good person despite doing some awful things, which I feel is making false equivilances.

Uh well, shit, you baited me into this. Well. Let’s get back to topic?

This is technically on topic


Excuse me? I expected you to explain why I’ve defended toxic attitudes towards FM, and all you did is mention some bad things I’ve done (and you highly exxagerated me “brutally attacking you” for that mistake, by the way.)

You have to understand why I think there’s some bad faith there.

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I try not to think about my mistakes.

Let’s help then to make this forum to a friendlier place :wink:

Can we try to make “bad plays” more accepted and less screamed at, in general?
Or would that lead in your eyes to more misplays?

i cannot seriously believe that somebody contacted you about me being rude to you in an “over-the-top exxagerated way” by the way

i think it’s more likely they contacted you about Alice and then mentioned me afterwards

Anyone who has made a bad play and feels remotely sorry about making that play because they tried that game we comfort

Show me one instance of this not happening.

Because I assure you, we only get mad at people who don’t put effort into this game.