Emotional stress in Fol/FM

Is this really true in your eyes?

Some people get salty, but they get over it very quickly.

It’s really the people who don’t put effort in that we are mad at for longer, for example Margaret whenever they make bad plays. They didn’t put effort in the game.

@anon97870008 help ban hjaisk

they are spamming my notifications D:

get to the thread


you have to

I already poked you

prove they didnt

they say themselves they don’t try

they are joking
because its a meme
like obvs

I confessed to murdering them officer, but it was only a meme I swear!

yep remove all context

You don’t even know the context of the post I’m referring to

Me neither I just remember them posting it

lol this actually happened (This isn’t being sarcastic, it did happen, I was there)

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Do not bring this up.

I have done much worse that Ici and I was BD. Don’t bring up the past at all


From the perspective of a new (forum) player, I actually think this could lead to more misplays.

Obviously there’s a fine line between “screaming at a player” and “being harsh but fair”, and optimally the latter would be the more common occurrence. The former really shouldn’t happen at all.

However, I am someone who can take harsh criticism. I can’t speak for everybody, and as a new player I could certainly see coming in, playing your first game, making a mistake and being criticized harshly as a bit unwelcoming.

Obviously though, “screaming at a player” really shouldn’t happen. I just think that the line between being harsh and being considered “screaming” can be a bit blurry at times, especially with certain people who can struggle to contain their anger. :wink:

I do think that it’s very possible to mistaken a bad play for “not putting effort” though. And while I’m sure most people are willing to be more patient with a newer player, I’m sure some people aren’t. Because you guys are used to playing with more experienced players.


I mean if you say that you are gamethrowing on purpose as fluffpost when thats a meme on the forum its pretty obviously a joke

We aren’t used to playing with experienced players here. What I’m talking about is very obvious, and I want you to do me a favor. Priestess must be taking about a specific person we got mad at for when they played, I want them to say that person so I can go ISO them that game. I can assure you it will be very obvious in the ISO whether or not they tried that game.