Emotional stress in Fol/FM

I don’t get it. I don’t think I was that rude beyond saying that it was a large mistake to modkill Alice, which was proportionate considering what happened afterwards.

How can you even elaborate if it was a misplay or they “just didn’t try”
I’m a judge for now a pretty long time, and for me the difference is still like… uh… very very slim

It’s different to see if someone tried in fol or tol. It’s very easy to see someone putting effort into solving the game in a FOL match rather then a TOL match.

In ToL it’s hard, but we all know there’s way more posts on the forum than in ToL, and thus more information.


I’m not saying they have to be right

Chances are if they are new their reads are completely wrong

What I want to see is them putting effort into the game regardless of how wrong they were

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tbh deadchat, including me, were telling priestess to modkill Alice, when we should have told her to force replace her out instead.

so i do take partial responsibility for the incident there :confused:

Anyway I agree that I’m getting more and more toxic playing FM, so I’m planning to host more than play from now on, until puberty finally stops

I said “more experienced” in comparison to a newer player. I can’t say for sure how high peoples’ forum mafia skill levels are here, and I can’t say how it compares to other places more dedicated to this.

But I can say that a player like you is undeniably more experienced than a player like me. And I can say that a lot of names in most FoL games are recurring names.

I feel like this part isn’t directed towards me, but regardless I don’t think Priestess wants to start a witchhunt here.

It’s not a witch hunt, it’s proving a point. I’m willing to back up my point but I’m expecting the same from priestess. Saying something does happen but not proving it to protect the person is dumb, when no one here will start a witch hunt over them.

As well, most of the recurring names aren’t experienced players by far.

I think my daughter used this word as in
“Experienced players = every player with more than 2 or 3 games… aka non-newbie”

Experienced player means something different here

but I can see what you are saying about that

Yes a lot of people are experienced players if you use their definition

But using that definition, experienced doesn’t mean good.

thats just not true

it takes a while for people to adapt and create their own meta, and how they read and see other players

it took Firekitten months before he became more read based, instead of just talking about the bare minimum.

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Experienced does never mean “good” :eyes:

It actually took months for me to start caring about the game actually


In the context of fm yes

Again, it’s about perspective.

In the grand scheme of things, you’re probably right. In fact, I’m very sure you are right.

But here, there’s certainly a difference in experience between someone who’s played 10 FoL games and someone who has only played 1.

I’m not calling you experienced, I’m calling you more experienced than a new player.

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That doesn’t change my point
There’s people who played more then ten games here who still act like a newbie because they couldn’t care to put effort in


this is true
the reason why gut is so valuable is because the longer you’ve played for and the more of that you’ve understood the more accurate your gut feelings are, so playing more is definitely proportional to being better at villaging


:thinking: for real, how do you say if a player doesn’t put effort in or is just bad? Because bad plays are 100% fine.