Emotional stress in Fol/FM

I’m going to try to look for other examples

If I ever have this “Im better than you” attitude in a game, please take me down. I dont want to be like this. Ever.

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While you’re doing that, do you have any examples of the opposite? A new (or even experienced, why not) player blatantly not trying to gamesolve?

I’d like to see the two ends of this spectrum, after all.

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Firekitten never acts like that at all
yeah we talk about level 1,2,and 3 level players and all that stuff

but, becoming a good FM player doesnt change you as a person, as FK says

it changes perspective, and how you view the game and the players playing.

it doesnt change your personality


FK? A good player?

Yeah this just shows how naive you are about this game lol.

I’m not going to even argue about this, you will learn one day.

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yes uhhh I think solving entire teams singlehandedly makes you a good player


this sounds really arrogant but it’s also correct

maybe a better way to phrase it is that “Fk isn’t neccecarily an objectively better player but part of becoming a good player is the shift of perspective that comes from playing a lot, which is more a requisite to having reliably good reads”


I act very arrogant in the way I talk, but that’s just the way I talk.

Oh yeah

I got distracted , let me find examples


Found a game


This person was a new person but if you look in their ISO it’s pretty obvious to see they are trying to solve the game, just scroll all the way down when ISO’ing them and then start reading up.

wait is he new

I don’t remember him on this site but he’s not acting like a newbie

Yeah I think he is

I don’t think they are a good example of a new player since it’s fairly obvious they are trying and they seem to be much better at reads then the regular new player, going to try to find a shy one to prove a point


Found a better one

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This posts comes from a new person who doesn’t know what to do

All their ISO you can see they aren’t very confident, however they are trying to sort people and attempt to make reads multiple times. That’s really all we ask, because if you do that then you are trying the game. I’m going to try to find an example of someone who wasn’t trying