Emotional stress in Fol/FM

I don’t feel the responsibility for helping players get better. If people ask nicely, I will likely gladly offer my thoughts on particular situations or their playstyle, but I don’t come here to just actively mentor everyone, where I would even have to make the initiative. :man_shrugging:

Why do “skilled” players need to be responsible for the “unskilled” players not improving? :thinking: You can correct me, but in my mind I only am mad at players that don’t put in effort.

I don’t know why I replied to that

It depends on which ones

Okay I’m just going to go along and say it’s balanced I’m an amazing set up creator trust me

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this to anyone who has more than 1 post as scum

Trust me I have a degree in Viking and Norse Studies

I searched weirdest degrees

You will feel great when you win

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Think about the end goal of winning

acknowledging something as a bias isnt always enough to change your mind.
or even often, imo


I’m curious to your thoughts on this too.

confirmation bias is the type of thing that you don’t want to argue against

i mean fair.
im just referring to the idea that recognizing something you said/thought as a bias is a very different skill from changing your mind due to said recognition

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we were talking if there is a problem

I mean for example largest wagon is town and position is pretty good
what to do?

Try to act like you are solving other slots, or try to prepare to mislynch someone else or make people use their actions on people you want them to use them on.

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You shouldn’t have that responsibility. I’m not asking experienced people to drop everything stop playing and only help inexperienced players.

Stop punishing, swearing at, getting mad at people or asking them to spamming to sheep you.

We only spam that at people who don’t try because they

don’t try

but what if they try

for example me as town

I don’t see that happening though… sooo I don’t think I do that at the very least…