Emotional stress in Fol/FM

I’ll accept the player

I won’t accept their idea if I disagree with it

Just like you won’t accept all of our ideas


10/10 fair

how can you really know
if someone is trying hard but is just bad yet, or if someone doesn’t care
How many times would you accuse me of not trying, of outright gamethrowing?

You said multiple times you don’t want to become good at the game lol .


I also showed the difference between a newbie trying and a person who isn’t trying

it’s not that hard to understand if they are trying, show me one person who looks like they aren’t trying when they are

I’ve only played with you once in a notable non ongoing game I think. The other I died N1 as Cult Leader. I didn’t accuse you of not trying in Looming Threat iirc.

Memesky is a prime example of someone’s who was active in a game but clearly didn’t care about trying lol

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(Didn’t mean you personal, Solic)

Do you have any idea how it is to get belittled every single hecking game, do you know how hard it is to actually learn when noone is even bothering to help you, and then you want to leave because there’s no point in even trying, and then a single person is caring for you, and you stay just for them, to play with them together, to have fun with them, ignoring all the bad voices who are telling you that you’re bad.

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I want to have fun. I want to hardcarry games, as I do it so many times in tol.
I’m just gotten told that I’m bad and my playstyle is bad and weird so often that I don’t care anymore. I’m trying to get good, for myself, for noone else.

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I can never disagree with anyone’s style of play unless they openly admit to memeing and wasting space on purpose, which rarely ever happens.
There are many different ways to play FM. Although many are suboptimal, FM is ultimately a recreational activity, so it’s dumb to get worked up over it.


Hold on priestess

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Lul someone stopped my ranting by offering to help my scumreading skills. Reeeeee

i mean

fk offered me advice and I took it and I feel like my reading skills have improved

Fk give me sage advice on my scumgame.

FK give me advice please

fk runs away

FK tell me how I’m being illogical because I’ve heard this dozens of times before

you are saying something is true because its possible

This is a hilarious sequence


I imagine a kitten surrounded by a bunch of people just yelling at it.


and he is like
someone save me

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