Emotional stress in Fol/FM

Maybe that’s why people scumread you as BD

cause its stressful

I dont see it that way, it’s less stressful cause you dont have pressure and you need to be worried about every post u make as wolf

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I’m less scumread as scum than as BD yeah :smiley:

But yeah, being neut or scum is just natural for me. BD is… hard as hell.

Lol, I wish it would be easy to take the good sides from both worlds. ^^

Honestly, just dont be afraid to be scumread as town.

Make posts, and give no shits on whatever people read you as

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Well I get mislynched anyways, so why being afraid of it?
Makes a bit of sense…

Well I’ll reference auction mafia then. I think it was an easier game for scum, because of the many slankers, but you still did quite well early. I don’t think you would have gotten away with the seriously heavy amounts of fluff otherwise.

Your push against me was fine there, but you dropped it way too fast. You don’t just start heavily pushing a townleader and after 2 posts be like… oh I guess it’s fine anyways unless you at least say something like lolreactiontest.

Don’t be fine with getting a daycop check when you can’t counter it against a town leader that you’re not able to fend of when you’re away. :stuck_out_tongue: I would have tried something like. NO, THAT’S A WASTE! blabla

You also attempted too much to distance from your whole scumteam with your inevitable flip that you actually further incriminated Blue with completely swapping your read on him. That didn’t make any sense when your previous beliefs (that I was apparently scum) were actually being solidified. You don’t start second guessing your reads when you’re being proven right. Try and remain calm under the enormous pressure and act accordingly. (I struggle myself with that too) Take a hot minute to decide whether it makes sense what you’re posting with your previous (fake) mindset. You even had the excuse there that you were at a party, which probably also impacted that, but that would be my critique for you during that game.

Also powerwolf more, you cowards!

Rereading that game was painful.

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I’ll 100% not fluff the next game
remind me of this

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I find it it ironic, I usually say DO check me

Don’t check FK, just randomly decide if he’s scum or town from his first post and then go from there


I like this strategy

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It’s what I always do

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It’s more accurate then everyone else reads on me

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it hurts weak people’s eyes

: (

turn on the lights in the room after sitting in darkness for like 15 minutes? meh.
phone too bright for the relative light level? can deal until i can change the brightness, dont have to look away.
browsing forum as im going to bed? light mode, all day every day

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ignore the fact that i used to shine flashlights directly into my eyes at summer camp which may have dulled my eyes reactions to bright light, that information is useless

Proceed to spam shit ton of posts :eyes:

I’ve only read like half of this thread. But for me personally I get emotionally stressed from things that are happening in real life and it intervenes with FoL matches when I am trying to act like my normal self, but I don’t feel “normal” — if that makes sense. Basically it’s hard to act like I am supposed to act when I am not feeling well. Sometimes I also feel unmotivated to contribute to the game and I feel bad that I’m not playing to my best ability. But in general I don’t take anything personally within games and I find most players to be very encouraging and uplifting and supportive


Happy to have you with us :heart:


Oh that’s a good thread
I was pretty interested in getting into forum mafia some time ago and played for around 3 games here
Two of them just made me get sick of it as fast as I had the desire to play before

It was not even stress, like, getting pressure
I was just straight out getting insulted. Not a good way to keep noobs around lol

Well I am back now and if anything like this happens again I will just drop the match :^)