Emotional stress in Fol/FM

wait is he new

I don’t remember him on this site but he’s not acting like a newbie

Yeah I think he is

I don’t think they are a good example of a new player since it’s fairly obvious they are trying and they seem to be much better at reads then the regular new player, going to try to find a shy one to prove a point


Found a better one

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This posts comes from a new person who doesn’t know what to do

All their ISO you can see they aren’t very confident, however they are trying to sort people and attempt to make reads multiple times. That’s really all we ask, because if you do that then you are trying the game. I’m going to try to find an example of someone who wasn’t trying


For example this

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what about my first game on this forum

I would argue against that but I don’t think I should.

It’s correct though

It never changes people personality, it changes your perspective


It’s not.
If you’re better you automatically feel superior to a lot of people and it takes a certain kind of mental restraint not to present this type of attitude all the time.
I know a lot of good players who are just straight up assholes sometimes.

And I really doubt they would be like this if they weren’t ‘good.’

Maybe this doesn’t apply to you, but being better at FM frequently changes people. Not everyone, but some of them? Definitely.

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points at self

Alright. You’re absolutely correct that there’s a huge difference here.

Vulgard, what you just described isn’t solely forum mafia fault. It’s any kind of competition, if you are good at something you will feel superior then people who aren’t good.

To say you don’t want to improve at a game, because you are afraid of it changing you as a person is dumb. You will feel better then others at the game, because you ARE better then others. We need to be clear on this fact. There are people who are better then others, just because you don’t like this fact doesn’t mean it’s not true.

The way that you act, is entirely your fault. Not the fact that you got better at the game. It’s your fault entirely. Don’t try to put it off on the game and say it changed me when it’s your fault.

Do you know what I did when someone said I was worse then someone else. I tried very hard to get better at the game, and I did. I asked multiple people for help on this, and almost every single person I asked gave me a different answer that I was confused on what to do. Except I still tried very hard on this and I did it.

You know what I realized when I got good at the game. That the people I asked for advice, aren’t gods. That’s the change of perspective you have when you get better at the game. You come to realize that people aren’t invincible, they aren’t the greatest forum mafia players, they just are better then the average people on this site.

That’s why it’s very important to have this change of perspective. It’s much easier to read people when you have it, because then you realize it’s much easier to read experienced players then you thought it was. You realize a lot of other things about this game as well.

Being good at something doesn’t change your personality, It changes your perspective on this game and other players. When you see people differently, you react differently. It’s your own fault for reacting differently, not the fact that you got good at the game.

Because when you have this change of perspective, you will realize that the players who are called good can easily be struck down, it’s just no one struck at them yet.

And the fact that you priestess say this change of perspective is realizing you are better then everyone, is ridiculous. Because it’s opposite to the fact, you realize there are players who are MUCH BETTER then you. That’s a blow to your self confidence a lot.

I sound arrogant with the way I talk, so I say things like Lol you are being so obvious scum right now. However do you know what I think when I see inexperienced players being obvious scum? Or making mistakes? I’m thinking about people who are better then me and saying to myself, how the hell can I ever improve if the people I play with aren’t improving.

That’s why I try to think of ways to improve the level of play here. Because I WANT to improve more then I already have. It’s much more fun to play with people you know and that’s I want to improve my skill by only playing here. But I cannot do that if other people are going to not try to improve, or won’t ask help.

That’s why we get mad at people who don’t actually put effort into this game, because it shows that they do not care about this game enough to put effort. It shows that they do not care to show the community that wants to try here respect when they join their games.


Insanity you didn’t even have enough time to read my post

I do :thinking:

I have an opinion but I have no clue how to word it so I’m trying to think

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