Event: BOATS?

I don’t know any more I’m clueless as you are

That is hilarious

welp we shall all go to valhalla together my friends

i was thinking if u order the paragraphs differently in the order of the numbers something happens

15 minutes have elapsed.

15 minutes remain.

also they are worded weirdly so could be to do with letters

1 Like

True. Or the numbers could be some sort of order.

Any ideas Amelia?

not really no

So the one that died first is the answer to the riddle?

I have no idea tbh

I think we’re all going to die here.

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That’s the spirit!

I think the answer is the order that they died in.

I tried putting the first letter of each name in the order but that didn’t do anything all I got was

m n t j e b c r

Ten minutes remain.

As a note: players are not penalized for incorrect guesses. If you guess incorrectly, you may try again. (You are limited to 1 guess per post, and limited by my response speed).

Five minutes remain.

We’re all dead does anybody want to share progress?

i just ahve the 8 numbers stil

