Event: BOATS?

I submitted what I think is the answer.

what is it?

It was wrong.

What did you submit

The children in the reverse order of the numbers.

At least everyone will see they were wrong about me being Tan’s partner, even if I’m not town.

not a family curse


Do I get to survive since I at least guessed at the answer?

One minute remains. Remember, :12 good, :13 bad.


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welp, time passed
so what’s the answer host?

Time is up. You MAY NOT post in the game thread.

This did not go well

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i may not be smart

I have a feeling someone made it out

So, what was the answer? Also, no it didn’t Hippo.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
leafa definitely wasn’t tan’s partner

telling the truth the whole time

Where dead chat