Event: BOATS?


Reorder the paragraphs based on the ordinal number mentioned in each paragraph. Then, read the first letter of every sentence, which spells out “THIRD LETTER OF EACH CHILD.” Reading the third letter of each child’s name, in the new order, spells out “YOUR USER.” The answer is to submit your flavor’s username.

Please don’t share the solution in spec/dead chat, as several people there are trying to solve it on their own.

do i even need to say it

Mafia may have made a small error in calculations

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hippo, bravo
but also dang, they really did know your scum meta

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Fuck I ordered them like that and did the first letter of each paragraph

rip, I’m on a break from discord

Told you I wasn’t Tan’s partner.

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I didn’t think of that
good riddle

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:rofl: :rofl:

you really did

you were the only one in here that they didn’t want dead

amazing work hippo

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