In general there are some pretty easy ways to tell a gamethrower.They don’t do anything,hurt their own faction,spam useless things in chat,etc.But there are 2 classes where that become muddy-Alch and mercs.
I have asked this constantly is it gamethrowing if you kill a CONFIRMED alch or merc?The answer is usually no.But say in a scenario there is a BD king,2 alchs,assassin,any converted unseen,scorned(who already won),and a BD.This makes it to be 2 BDs 2 unseen and 3 neutrals.This means each side needs 2 votes to get someone on stand.King gets unseen to vote me,the alch,up and chooses to execute therefore losing BD the game.I was also a confirmed alchemist as during the game I healed 3 poisoned people.BD’s only chance of winning was to get the alch’s help but they executed instead which is gamethrowing right?
But it’s not people say as your neutral and you might have destroyed BD.In that situation however BD will lose anyway UNLESS you side with them.So why throw away your only chance?The other one,mercs,is a little more fluid as mercs can be converted so it may have more debate.Also mercs are usually executed more as they have to confirm themself which is very hard to do.But alchs have this huge controversy surrounding them.
Now off topic can we please stop having dicks like this
This isn’t me but i understand why you would want to execute an alch that is unconfirmed while an NK is alive.But seriously possessor was dead.-_-.The alch was confirmed and there was a MM out there that the prince could have jailed and exed instead.