Experimental Forum of Lies 1 - Deaf and Afraid - The Unseen Win!

Welcome to Experimental Forum of Lies 1!

Deaf and Afraid

Hosted by Marluxion



Days will be 3 IRL days long, or shorter if someone dies
Nights will be 1 IRL day long
Actions are done by messaging me
Unseen/Cult will talk through a special Discord server
Priest will speak with the dead through a separate Discord server
All classes will be used, and will be used as they are found in the Class Cards Thread
When you receive a card you will have 24 hours to reply, confirming you have received it


To accuse someone say “/accuse [player]” or “/vote [player]”
Once majority is reached to accuse someone, a trial will begin.
Either after 24 hours or once a trial reaches majority on pardon/execute, the trial will end.
After the trial ends, the King has 12 hours to choose to allow or veto the vote, if the king does not respond the vote is allowed
Executions end the Day

Special Experimental Changes

  1. Feedback has been greatly reduced for all classes. The only feedback that will be given is A) If you die. B) Investigation Results C) If you start bleeding. D) If you’ve been made unable to vote. E) If you’ve been jailed by the prince. No other feedback will be granted.
  2. There will be a limit of 2 trials per in-game day. If the second trial ends but the target is not executed, the day will end early.


Message me your entire journal, the last draft I receive before you die shall be the one displayed

To Join

To join, simply express interest in joining by saying something like “I want to join” or “/join” or “/in” or “sign me up, coach” or whatever you want


  1. orangeandblack5 - The Knight
  2. PoisonedSquid - The Sheriff
  3. Vulgard - The Reaper
  4. Boss110 - The Drunk
  5. MTheJoker
  6. Memesky - The Hunter
  7. Damafaud - The Fool
  8. Moleland - The Prince
  9. Ashe - The Princess
  10. Marcus - The Scorned
  11. Insanity - The Physician
  12. Frostwolf - The Servant
  13. Pug - The Physician
  14. Firekitten - The Observer
  15. PokemonKidRyan - The Mastermind
  16. Shurian :crown:

Backups: HTM, Lightethos, Icibalus

Shortcuts :chains:

Start of Game
Start of Day 2
Start of Day 3
Start of Day 4
Start of Day 5
Start of Day 6



why am I not first reeee


I’m salty that I’m not first despite me being the first comment >:(

can we please be on the same side squid I hate lynching you even if you’re NK

Just wanted to highlight these to make sure they aren’t missed




Also, for anyone joining - try to keep the goofing around to a minimum. Anyone joining this should be giving 110% to trying to win.

Otherwise the science is meaningless





Meme ahem

It’s important
We need everyone trying their hardest to win so we can see if these changes actually make a difference or not


Sure, fam, I hope I’m a better Demon this time

I’ll give you a demonic crash course on how to get pardoned by braindead bd :clap:


If that actually happens it’ll be the first time ever

I hope it does


So how does Shadows over Adiart work?

You mean like the special mechanics? I quoted them in like the third post :thinking:

So you won’t know if you’ve been occupied?

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Or prevented