Experimental Forum of Lies 1 - Deaf and Afraid - The Unseen Win!

But. You shouldn’t reveal as such, gives scum the excuse it failed cuz lululul

Alright then

Just going to go on record with this for the scum faction

  1. Attack was healed
  2. Attacker was occed
  3. Cult game (I fucking hope not i am so sick of cult games)

I would go into more detail later.

But I’ll read soon

Or attacked was jailed :thinking:

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Also may i ask what SP means

Slept peacefully

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Oh okay.

I thought we got less feedback though :thinking:

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we does, marl send it so we know he didn’t forget our action

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Basically. Im going to wait for orange’s shit to stop before i genuinely attempt to read him

Vote Count

Accused Voters Count
Ashe Firekitten 1/9
Pug Orange 1/9
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For all I know, this could be RVS and testing you.

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Im not OMGUSing.

Orange’s vote can be ignored for now.
Just a reminder that im not as experienced as y’all with fol


Basically. If someone says they have scumreads.
Please DO NOT just say. Id rather keep them secret.
That’s scummy

Hi frost I got a cult check on you defense?

Marl got me mislynched because of the dicksuck marl meta when he just said:

Oh, I already noticed your scumreads in this game.
I ask what they are.
Marl says: oh im keepinv them to myself

Wait SO fk didnt get SP :thinking:

I got sp tho