Experimental Forum of Lies 1 - Deaf and Afraid - The Unseen Win!

That looks accurate.

If Meme is Hunter this is instaloss

Weā€™re not lynching a Hunter claim in mylo lmao

Meme is like the worst idea for a lynch today except maybe Mole

Funny that you say this Vul
But based on how this discussion is going both Boss and meme are essentially confirmed scum

I am sorry, but I suspected Meme for Reaper for long time and you say heā€™s worse lynch?

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Vul should vote Meme!
Mole can exe Boss.
Iā€™ll CS M

Iā€™m pretty sure Meme is Reaper - Frost should occupy them

Boss would be MM by my reckoning.
PKR would be Enforcer
Joker would be assassin

Frost - Occupy Meme
Vulgard - Compare Pkr with Joker
PKR - CS Vulgard
PUG - Yolo heal frost or me

@Moleland what about my plan?
Youā€™re failing to account for Vul being scum.
Heā€™s clearly been changing tone

And how would that make sure Unseen wonā€™t attack me later on if I keep occupying Meme at the point they donā€™t need me anymore?

You kill vulgard if they are scum

@Vulgard actually compare Meme to me

They know if you were healed or not, so they probably wonā€™t attack you. They are most likely to attack Pug

Vulgard could be immune. There are many immune scum classes
CS doesnā€™t go through immunity (To my knowledge)

It doesnā€™t make sense for them to be a killer IMO. They canā€™t be Reaper, as they had too much knowledge - and maid is hard to claim as scum. Thereā€™s a reason why neither you or Vulgard are being lynched today.

Maid is hard to claim as killer!scum?
Please do explain why.
He can say he checked a lot of dead people.
Or use previous claims to make his results make sense.
Also, I still donā€™t believe anyone would have royal blood checked you

He already had a solid result on Ashe when I jailed them night two

I guess I will trust them for now.
I still find tone suspicious. Being far too overly pushy on me

Is my push on you that surprising considering my result that locks you as scum in my book?

The only way this goes horribly wrong is if boss is not MM but another Unseen.

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What if heā€™s not unseen at all?
I want you to explainā€¦
Do you think Boss is solo or team player from their behaviour?
Unseen are very close to win.
So theyā€™d be playing very safe at this time

I cannot let us do anything until we exhaust all possibilities.
One misstep and weā€™re going to lose.
@Moleland Iā€™d like us to spend more time today.
I will post my reads in a bit
Currently travelling on a coach with wolf-kun. So difficult to see what is going on