Experimental Forum of Lies 1 - Deaf and Afraid - The Unseen Win!

How :thinking:

He can be only lynched

I meanā€¦just allow the reaper to consume a soul?
Make sure your target is dead if you executed them.

It was misunderstanding back then, that Possessor coulnā€™t be killed by Prince becauseā€¦death immunity

Just allow the reaper to consume a soul?

Make him stronger!

Thatā€™s stupid if the prince is still alive late game with Unseen active with MM

ā€œthatā€™s stupidā€

:man_shrugging: Shoulda caught him earlier.

I mean its a nice buff to a class who isnā€™t occupy immune and relies on killing people to survive.

Well yes, in one perspective. That thing happens even in ToS.

Caught him earlier.


I mean.


What a shame though. We lynched Scorned first and then one of their targets after.

Sure we actually did not think about it but thatā€™s why silence is golden

Marl did the exact same thing in his first FoL when he was King dw lol


you got a long way to go, kid
but if you keep starting mass claims like me, someday you too could be a professional vote counting robot


Both times i was pinged to wolf when i came a trial was already there

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Easy. Wolf faster :wink:


Physician is the class I act the dumbest with


A Scorned legit once did absolutely nothing when I was Phys and I got exed

In ToL or FoL?