So, I am not Neutral first of all so asking Prince to exe me would enjoy him losing all exes.
Considering this information, I will be going on with this through my list.
Shurian - Definitely Cowardly Queen - Considering the "please don’t gather darkness me post. A Cowardly would really be one who would be concerned about gathered darkness. BD and Evil have this as a threat but Cowardly would be more concerned about this. Only kill her if she becomes more scumsided.
Insanity - Neutral lean - Insanity doesn’t really seem to be protown. I really doubt he is Blue Dragon and his push on Memesky also seemed incredibly anti town. His push on me earlier also seemed extremely scornedlike as I am a very easy mislynch target today.
Damafaud - Blue Dragon - Helpful and very eager to see my side of the story. I always find voting without reason to be extremely suspicious but he later showed that he was definitely BD by being very protown.
Marcus - Scumlean - Many of his posts feel extremely offputting to me but you know. The whole Ashe push feels like they cant be the same scumteam.
Memesky - Blue Dragon - Despite memeing, there would only be two possible classes that he could actually be, Hunter or Prince. Which is why I am putting him on my Blue Dragon list, if he is dead. I would blame Warlock or Enforcer ngl.
Squid - BDlean - I feel as though her posts are rather contributing and she has said something to lead me even further to the fact that she is BD, I really doubt she is scum here.
but yes. I’m gonna do more later