Experimental Forum of Lies 1 - Deaf and Afraid - The Unseen Win!

Fine then.

I claim Alchemist that is not really Alchemist so I am actually a BD with unknown class.


Sorry I was busy all day, Iā€™d like to post my reads seeing as Iā€™ve got some time rn and it looks like Iā€™m getting pardoned today.

First of all my null reads are PKR, Boss, Orange and Moleland simply because they havenā€™t posted enough. I recommend PKR replace out if he canā€™t play an active game.

Insanity- Neutral I have to agree with the reads here and say that Insanity really feels like a mercenary. For that reason Iā€™m happy to get a substantive claim from him today.

Ashe- Scumlean I am a little unconfident in this read but my main reason for not changing it since my last ISO was because she has more or less done what I had did and wait for Vulgards read.

MtheJoker- Townlean I like Vulā€™s analysis of Joker, and I also believe that he is an invest class given that he hasnā€™t done the obligatory SP post, only in response to Pugs question.

PoisonedSquid- Polarised towards Townlean It really feels like Squid is prince/hard-counter here, and for that reason I implore that all knights be on her tonight, however I believe there is a small chance she can be making a big play as something like Warlock or Mastermind that wants to stay around for a while.

Damafaud- Townlean I really like his post at #770 with a bit of game theory. Most of his other posts are NAI to me.

Memesky- Your scumreading powers are too low to scumread Memesky
Yeah no Iā€™m not going to try and do that.

Pug- Townlean OR Convert His little fiasco at the start of today upon first glance is quite suspicious, however I do believe it could be all the work of an exhausted BD as Pugs timezone would make it around about bedtime. (is that angleshooting a bit? IDK) However his push on me feels BD motivated or potentially the work of a well timed-bus. Only time will tell.

Frostwolf- Townlean I get the sense from my last game and an ISO of his posts here that he has a deep understanding of the game theory here. For that reason, I am a little uncertain in this read and I would be more confident trusting in reads of others simply because theyā€™ve had more experience with him.

FK and Vulgard are my top 2 townreads because of FKs claim and Vulgards consistent reasoning.

Now for some self defense in lieu of my claim, I want to be clear that I intended to occupy Orange again tonight if I wasnā€™t pushed on. I will however adjust that to partying tonight to confirm myself unless we find something incriminating today.

It is almost certain that someone will die tomorrow barring we find the NK by some miracle today. Iā€™d be more than happy to no lynch today seeing as weā€™ve pretty much got a lengthier d1 because of no deaths.

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Correct. If a Noble uses bounty and the target is executed, an extra trial will be added.

Marcus is pardoned off the stand. You have one trial remaining today. Vote with caution.

So Memesky and Orangeandblack5 are the ones being occupied, occupying them again while one of the two will get investigated and stops them from using any abilities - however that leaves the other scum to stay low.

Wait, you occupied orange last night?

Yes, yes I did.

/vote Insanity

Donā€™t take this to hammer, if he wonā€™t claim before hammer than we should have him executed.

He did claimā€¦


However without feedback, we canā€™t tell if you got healed from bleeding either except for the fact that you slept peacefully or died. Thatā€™s something.

Oh shit, I couldnt tell whether you were still yarning


Meme is BD just because of that claim

Either heā€™s smart with no bear guarding him N1 or heā€™s faking it.

Claiming something the impossible now without the feedback, I am giving him the benefit of the doubt however and make him prove himself again.

Because you know what I mean.

Personally Iā€™m willing to believe PR claims here because itā€™s hard to fake them for an extended period of time.

Which is why Iā€™m wondering why Orange was pushing Squid but knowing him, he probably has his reasons

But like. I still believe Memesky to be BD.

Better yet, why is Marcus not pushing Orange since he occupied him and didnā€™t mention him as scumlean?

Am I missing something?

Did we just pardoned a potential scum?

Day 2 will end in 24 hours.