Experimental Forum of Lies 1 - Deaf and Afraid - The Unseen Win!

Yeah p much

Barring that Insanity or PKR

Insanity is alch.

Opinion gauging:

Lynch Orange and association read his posts after he flips?

I wish
First I go through a period of only getting scum, and now itā€™s reversed

Or are they just claiming it :eyes:

I mean. Isnā€™t he a good player :thinking:

I can save him with my foundation!

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Works for me

Iā€™m BD thereā€™s no associations

Actually I have one more question for you.

You think Squid is scum. What kind of scum?

Iā€™m going to go back in the thread to see who I want to lynch.


Not sure wouldnā€™t be able to say

Pre-flip associations are bad practice imo

I didnā€™t say I want to pre-flip associate you

I want to lynch you and post-flip associate you

But when I flip BD there are no associations :thinking:

If youā€™re really Knight that might explain a lot + we might be able to read the wagon. Even though at this point I think itā€™s the townbloc voting

Anyways hitting the road again be back later

Scum can you pls get on the wagon

Who even wants to lynch an easily confirmable Knight lmao

Prods for inactives are pending.

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