Experimental Forum of Lies 1 - Deaf and Afraid - The Unseen Win!

He didnt. Dont worry


Dies in Laughing Gas

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Iā€™m scared of drunks right now.

They should happy hour each other for no particular reason that I totally donā€™t have a reason for

Im going to sleep now.




I dont know what to doooo
Dont knowwww

Anyhow debtingā€¦ someone.

/vote Mole

Marl also missed my vote on Mole. Prolly because I didnā€™t leave a line.

/vote Mole

IM SHEEPING URGH HELP ME Imma have to sleep now sooā€¦

You totally know who to guard

Donā€™t debt anyone.

You guard someone

Look back in chat and figure out what happened

No you Window Peek me

I could be scum/neut (even if not assassin) if I go to somebody

I want you to know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that I am BD.

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Anyways what did Puggo do now

Iā€™m in the middle of a multiday bike tour and canā€™t pay full attention

Iā€™m the most conformable bd class and if you mislynch me, then thatā€™s on you being idiots. I will not claim.

Vote Count

Accused Voters Count
Moleland Shurian, Vulgard, Firekitten, Pug, MTheJoker, Insanity, PoisonedSquid, 8/9
MTheJoker Moleland, 1/9
Frostwolf103 Marcus, Ashe, 2/9
Pug Orange, 1/9


Vote Count

Accused Voters Count
Moleland Shurian, Vulgard, Pug, MTheJoker, Insanity, PoisonedSquid, 7/9
MTheJoker Moleland, 1/9
Frostwolf103 Marcus, Ashe, 2/9
Pug Orange, 1/9

I wonā€™t be around until a bit after EOD. @Twil1ight or @Livicus If youā€™d like to do VCs and announce trials while iā€™m away feel free :wink:

If someone hits majority, assume the trial auto starts. I will count execute and pardon votes for if a trial would have started.

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Mole, you realize that most confirmable class doesnā€™t fly shit without feedback right?

Wait. Letā€™s not ever be told we were jailed. Annoy the prince. :wink:

/vote Moleland I suppose then.