Experimental Forum of Lies 1 - Deaf and Afraid - The Unseen Win!

Into Orange’s target?

Where are Orange’s logs though?

FK is poss/fool
This is scorned/unseen

So why pardon and accuse me?

2 phys and 2 knights are just weird. Okay

At least you share my views, Pug.

I genuinely dont know tbh.

Wait hol up. What if orange jumped? No wait poss can’t jump in FoL can he?

Possible :man_shrugging:


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@Mthejoker Poss can either control someone to attack or he attack the target himself erasing the true class and logs.

FK is not telling the truth.

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Massive tinfoil theory:

Herbalist used Defile defensively to disguise Orange as Knight. Assassin Orange attacked Meme and FK was possed into Meme, but healed due to legit Phys or Alch’s heal. Orange wasn’t healed and died to bear.

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I almost want orange to be disguised as knight purely so my scumteam guess still has a minute possibility of being true :wink:

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@Vulgard But Joker is Occupied right so it can’t be him

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So we should exe this and prince jail fk

I am disappointed in you Joker. The severe brain damage you have dealt to me is extremely high as you can not obviously read class cards.
Please replace the saltwater crabs in your head with an actual brain kthxbye

Woah, where’s the salt come from?


I know you’re thunderdoming but don’t just straight up insult each other for claiming the same class

par for the course tbh

Its me overexaggerating

I have saltwater crabs instead of a brain too