Experimental Forum of Lies 1 - Deaf and Afraid - The Unseen Win!


Just no.
This is going to flip non-Scum faction member
I wouldnā€™t be defending a team mate so hard this early


How about thisā€¦


I donā€™t know the third one.

Why Marcus and Joker?
Can I laugh when Marcus flips non-Scum faction?

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Nah Iā€™m exing. How bout Insanity/Marcus/PKR scumteam?

Oh wait, throwing some shadeā€¦

Stop saying me ffs
Why would I be defending so hard this early?!
Be logical


I believe Marcus is nk or scorned tho. But if he flips unseen we should check either of them

How about check you OwO

I actually agree that Marcus is unlikely to flip anything but Neutral.



Fine, youā€™ll see Iā€™m not unseen. But we have better targets to check

Thank you!
Which means I am not with Marcus!!
Unless you are suggesting Iā€™m a Neut who claimed Killer?

But frankly, I donā€™t have a good scumteam guess at this point. I have three people listed as potential converts and Mole is still absolutely sus.

I actually lean BD on you PKR

I think Mole should deffo be imprisoned tonight if not exeā€™d.
I donā€™t see him flipping BD for once

I need to ISO my three convert possibilities and push the scummiest to trial tomorrowā€¦

I also agree that Mole has been absolutely non-contributive. He claims Noble which is ā€œeasily confirmableā€ but unless he uses Bounty on someone and we lynch them, I donā€™t see that being true at all.

@Moleland Who did you bounty?

No one claims ordered, so I assume he did bounty. The only way Iā€™m pardoning Marcus is if someone is bountied, as Iā€™ve stated before. If I were him, Iā€™d bounty between Phys claims to end the thunderdome.

Iā€™m trying not to do the opposite of tunneling and suspect literally everyone. D:

Vote Count for Marcus_Doodalee

Fate Voters Count
Execute Vulgard, Frostwolf, Insanity, MTheJoker, Ashe, 5/8
Pardon PokemonKidRyan, 1/8
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Well. The crowd has spoken.