Experimental Forum of Lies 1 - Deaf and Afraid - The Unseen Win!


Youā€™re not scorned?

Nope. As scorned I would be voting you right now!

No, if you are scorned then you shouldnā€™t tell the prince to jail me.

Yep. Exactly. Now defense please?

You need to read, itā€™s fun. Besides if this is unseen game then I know certain someone why thereā€™s no attack.

It really does look like a cult game, Imma check the stuff.

Guys Im totally fool lynchu me monkaS

Anyhowā€¦ People that were occupiedā€¦ should be occupied again.

I would appreciate an observer on Puggoā€¦ else I think he would be our lynch for todayā€¦ unless he happens to be my son. Hands off my son.

Yeah. Thats what I have so far.

(Massclaim or I keel everysingleoneofyou with Marlioā€™s op powers /s)


Oh okay. Then why :thinking:

It has to do with Memesky.

Mhm. Meme.

What about him :thinking:

Oh I donā€™t know, I have softclaimed where you havenā€™t found out yet.

/vote Ashe

I am going to pressure the best mod

Your observer? :thinking:


Okay who did meme visit then :thinking:

Huh. I cant link those posts together.
Sharpeners are sharpeningā€¦ please stand byā€¦

Canā€™t say - that I might be observer or you got the class wrong. But youā€™re not getting answer out of me since you have two targets which you have no issue having me disposed.


Heā€™s butler who occupied meme!

Showing that the observer saw him visit meme. And no one is crazy enough to convert him.


Every game someone ends up calling me scorned.

Huh. Weird

You mean every game I go in got Scorned breathing on my neck.