Experimental Forum of Lies 1 - Deaf and Afraid - The Unseen Win!

I can CS joker if you want too.
You choose one way I do t’other

Why? Didn’t they protect you?
But then again, they completely wasted it anyway

Wait, misread the message lol


Vote Count

Accused Voters Count
Vulgard MTheJoker, Moleland 2/4

They OEd Drunk before defence tbh.
So this could just be towncred
I’m neither here nor there on the King
(I’m travelling with wolf for a bit now so will be back later!!! Peace!)

@Pug Stay healing me please

You could Exe someone else, not the poor noot :frowning:

Is that a reaper claim :thinking:

No? An alch claim.

Pretty sure that’s impossible.

No? 3 neuts + nk. 2 neuts dead

I matchmade Mole and Meme - you two are incompatible

PKR didn’t CS me because he’s scum - N4 matchmake showed him incompatble with Moleland, although I realize I’m the only one who “knows” that

I’m pretty sure you were directed to Boss :thinking:

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Now, the thing is we probably have to lynch MM today - I think

Is Meme scum, or NK? Leaning NK

There was no conv last night: 2 unseen. Joker+PKR are Unseen; Meme is Reaper

Literally how

Boss Debauched you


PKR, vote Meme plz

We lynched Boss lol

Or better, Vulgard Vote meme plz

Unless you mean N4