Experimental Forum of Lies 1 - Deaf and Afraid - The Unseen Win!

Shurian is a good King and will want their son to win, right?

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I want him to be jailed, not guarded lol

Shurian is a cowardly king who wants themselves to win.
They’ll help us win too, so please don’t fuck up Mole.
I’ll be confirmed when tonight strikes.
If meme flips Reaper, then I am scum confirmed.
If Vul flips non-reaper (After Meme flipping hunter) then I am scum confirmed.

I meant Shurian ffs. Lol

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Shuri df exe pls

Im getting exed sooner or later

You’re being exe’d anyway.
We need for Mole to not fuck up and if you’re genuine, you’ll win anyway.
We can carry this for you

Also you realise I’m bd at this point.

No need to put suspicion on a confirmed BD

I’m not putting suspicion on you

U wont carry me we are not the same team!

I cant. Your fate is sealed. Just waiting for Marl

That’s not the case.
I’m Knight and will be confirmed on night strike if you’re genuine

Can you moderror and reveal who the MM is

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Oh i see :wave: vulgard

You know, I think Vulgard is MM

A shame I innoced you d2 meme because of the n1 prison message

Failed CS means night immune or healed

Then Vulgard dies lol.

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The question then is, am I reaper or Assassin?
Or a different NK?

Then you get reaped and assa kills me.