Experimental Forum of Lies 1 - Deaf and Afraid - The Unseen Win!

it wont be a poll it’ll be a google survey sheet

I cant give much feedback. I hardly even friggin used my guards at all. I used my scheme thinking it would make someone look sus,

orangeandblack5 - The Knight
PoisonedSquid - The Sheriff
Vulgard- The Reaper
Boss110 - The Drunk
MTheJoker- The Assassin
Memesky- The Hunter
Damafaud - The Fool
Moleland- The Prince
Ashe - The Princess
Marcus - The Scorned
Insanity - The Physician
Frostwolf - The Servant
Pug- The Physician
Firekitten - The Observer
PokemonKidRyan- The Mastermind
Shurian EVIL :crown:


I like the direction this game took for the health of the game, it allows greater flexibility to scum with regards to claiming and reduces the effectiveness of mass claiming, however not to the extent that it is not the meta.

I would recommend that feedback be more one-sided, eg, if a physician heals a bleed, he is notified but his target is not. If a drunk debauches someone who is immune, he is told but his target is not. Im not sure how this would work practically but the aim is to reduce the two-fold nature of most interactions.

Mass claiming helped narrow my suspects a lot to be fair.
The scum did a lot and were really good haha.

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I think this is unnecessary

It removes any possibility of scum fake claiming to be bled


Yeah I was intending on fake claiming bleeding so Meme will use his bleed.

But… ehhh… if Phys comes in oops rip u

I have a feeling the changes completely flipped the odds over and made scum more likely to win, but it’s just one game.

I don’t think there ever was a game here when NK and scum got so far and one of them won without a Fool.

Pug was healing you on the off chance Joker was going to kill you haha.

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IMO - The Blue dragon played pretty bad


W h y the massclaim

Hello? I was pretty sure I was making it obvious I was gonna guard myself lmao

and if king had rolled neutral or good blue dragon were NOT 100% out there

Yeah. I would have been free to debt for all I like tbf

Have the excel sheet?
I really wanna see the last day haha

Confirmable Classes in this setup
Mystic - Same as before. Easy to tell when it’s converted due to the swingy nature of it’s convert abilities.
Noble - Simillar story. In both it’s easily confirmable because Aristocrat doesn’t have bounty.
Hunter - Can confirm himself - but if he does he can no longer bear that night, and will kill whoever he proves himself to.
That’s it tbh

None of these 3 classes WANT To be outed, since they’re high priority converts
but they CAN hard prove themselves.




Meme won the game for Unseen by being AFK after D2 lol