Experimental Forum of Lies 1 - Deaf and Afraid - The Unseen Win!

D O N O T O U T T H E P R I N C E Y O U D I P S T I C K :rage:

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Seriously, Iā€™m just going to kms with a dumbbell if everyone start mass voting me cuz of that post.

No shut up, we put you on trial and see you squirm.

Which you squirm a lot so youā€™re panicking.

I dont want to massvote you

I didnā€™t out the prince.

But me getting voted is scaring me.

Just donā€™t post your n1. You can easily confirm yourself without outing the prince

Ehhhhhh, I see what you did there :wink:

And you want to out prince because of that?

A rope and a two would be better.

But oh well, time to scumread?

So kys with my brain


Firekitten wasnā€™t expecting the wolf inquisition.

Well. Im probs off to bed yā€™all.

Tell me shit later, kthxbye

I get this reference


Only the 90s kids get that reference

Me dying<Outting Prince.
I donā€™t honestly know why you all started voting me.

First I stopped people from voting pug.
Then frost tried to say Iā€™m sus for not arguing with frost.
Then I get voted because I ā€œSAID I WOULD OUT PRINCEā€ Well you know thereā€™s this simple thing called not voting me and not outing prince.

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Why the hell would you say you know who Prince is in the first place?!

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Kittenā€™s softclaimed enough imo.

Justā€¦ let him be

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so I donā€™t get voted?

Youā€™re saying you are as important as Prince?

kk backing off