Experimental Forum of Lies 1 - Deaf and Afraid - The Unseen Win!

Vote Count

Accused Voters Count
Pug Orange, Ashe, 2/9
Firekitten Damafaud, MTheJoker, 2/9
Marcus Vulgard, Firekitten, Frostwolf, PoisonedSquid, 4/9

I mightā€™ve needed to phrase that differently then.

Why did you do that in-thread now then? Iā€™m not sure if your following statement is the explanation, I donā€™t see it as one.

Because this is an EFoL, so the mechanics are all different here.

Also, Iā€™d rather not claim until tomorrow seeing as I know what Iā€™ll be doing tonight. Itā€™ll all change if someone dies tomorrow.


This is precisely why I wait for your reads, they more or less confirm you as BD on the sheer point of making them

How are you feeling about my scumreads in particular?


I meant to announce this before but I forgot. This game is unconcedable. It will be played until itā€™s completion. This applies to all factions

This is in order to get as much information about the experimental changes as possible


I think theyā€™re pretty spot on given the infomation we have. You even have guesses for the scumteam which is impressive for d1 when not a single person is dead.

In regards to specific scumreads, Iā€™d have to ISO some people myself to see where you are coming from.

Iā€™d like to see your stance on Ashe and Frost specifically, since I labeled them as your scumbuds.

Especially Ashe. This is a very strong gutread of mine.

Can you also do a post-game survey in google or something?

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Iā€™ll hop to it then.

gets out magnifying glass

communicates with scumbuddies

Iā€™m not sure how to feel about this tbh lol

Itā€™s fair to say pretty much any class could claim SP unless it was an invest with leads.

This feels kinda LAMIST to me.

Again, LAMIST. It also feels just a tad hypocritical as I see all of it as more or less d2 banter. which Ashe herself is doing

This is a NAI judgement imo, Falsely claiming to be jailed in an attempt to pick up a read isnā€™t typical town behaviour, which makes me believe that Pug has genuine motivation for trying it. I wouldnā€™t be surprised if he flips an invest class.

Overall, Ashe is a scumlean for me. I havenā€™t referred back to your OG readpost but Iā€™ll get it momentarily.

More of ninja post before you could change a view about me.

This looks AtE at best, Iā€™m not too sure how you leap to me and her being scumbuddies

So what you are saying is that I was correct in voting ashe.
/Vote Ashe
I was hesitant on voting then earlier but now Iā€™ll do it more confidently

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/vote Ashe

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