Experimental Forum of Lies 1 - Deaf and Afraid - The Unseen Win!

Laying low would add you to the lurker list and thus make you more likely to be scumread sooner or later.

I’m not sure about this benefit

the benefit*

I’d have the benefit of waiting for infomation.

Also, as you stated earlier, you “couldn’t be bothered to ISO” Pug and I had to ask you to read Ashe in your own way.

You also said you’d wait for my scumreads before doing anything.

So no, you weren’t really reading, at least not publicly. D:

What information you want?

And what do u have that the rest of us don’t?

@Shurian Your thoughts? Please help put Marcus on trial if you agree with my case

@Marluxion Is this allowed?


No editing post and deleting them that’s not nice!

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If I was evil, I’d wait until I’d have as much info to build a case before looking townie.

Sorry, I just hate accidentally posting early espe when Im on my crappy laptop that has an H and an I key that no work :frowning:

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Reading is hard work. Especially when you’re completely new to the business.

Also you seem quite intent on placing me and Ashe specifically as the scumteam. Care to explain?

That’s why I was asking if I was confbiased.

I can never tell when I’m tunneling or not.


You still haven’t answered this.

I can’t answer it, because you’re new. Answering this would be a meta read.

And meta reads are impossible on people with no experience on-site.

wait how do you do that

Meta reads are basically reads that are based on what a player tends to do as either alignment.

And since this is Marcus’ second game that I’m aware of, and he was BD in the previous game, I don’t know his scum behavior. Which is why I’m trying to read him based on his posts only - the posts that seem scummy to me, and especially the connection I’ve made earlier.

Vulgard likes explaining as scum hmmmm

However, I might be ignoring other stuff - which is why I’m trying not to be confbiased.