Experimental Forum of Lies 1 - Deaf and Afraid - The Unseen Win!

The more you say that the more I doubt the possibility of Scorned

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Orange and Memesky got occupied and I got guilty check by Sheriff.

Does that make me Assassin? Please think about it.

The reason I didnā€™t push Memesky too much is that I donā€™t believe he could be Assassin butā€¦! Hunter claim on Assassin is balsy move.

I believe in Hunter!Meme and Assassin!Orange still

On second thought lynching Mole over Orange might be a problem if Mole flips MM - unless Prince is on Orange but after the announced plan I severely doubt it if theyā€™re even reading this thread carefully enough.

But this is all just conjecture. Letā€™s see the flip first and then associate.


@Marluxion VC pls?

Thatā€™s why lynch frost and have prince deal with mole, leaving orange to confirm or deny themselves not assassin

I really donā€™t want to lynch Frost before any of the other two though because association.

actually, i was the one got gulity check not you

Remember that Frost being guilty N1 would make Boss a liar so lynching Frost is very likely to hit BD

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If someone, like Insanity, is a CW who barriered Squid though I stg Iā€™ll fite them irl

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@Ashe I have occupied Memesky you know and without feedback, you can basically fakeclaim if you put effort into it.

But letā€™s say I trust him for now and serve him again since it wonā€™t hurt him and he wonā€™t to me.

DO you even do math with 1 out of 16 can be starter Assassin? Chances are slim you found the assassin.

Plot twist: Boss is Scorned and this is a god tier play that gets his target lynched by assuming he lied


Itā€™s like weā€™re dealing with people who believe earth is flat :thinking:

What happened :frowning:

Some people think youā€™re Scorned now


i deb squid last night
squid get gulity result
there is also mod error

Thatā€™s exactly where it does NOT match up.

In before god tier fool.



My foundation wasnā€™t good enough it seems. I didnā€™t get enough donations :frowning:
How did people get in scorned out of all of this?

I can name the prince right now