Experimental Forum of Lies 1 - Deaf and Afraid - The Unseen Win!

I just say dumb shit

Why not

I say dumb shit that makes me look scummy

Donā€™t need to worry! :3

Also, can your current class affect how scummy you look?

Quite a lot of coincidences amrite?

Because I always act scummiest as this class.

Or you and boss are on scumteam

Thanks for claiming scorned.

Hereā€™s a :cookie:

We shall save you in the confirm everyone program


Whoā€™s scorned

No thanks

No? You donā€™t want me to confirm you as scorned?



Stop framing me, Scorned!

I get it, Scorn is also a cookie

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We found your scorned buddy tho.

Itā€™s joker!

But ya know. Now that I think about it.

Orange feels genuine

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I just dont want him to cs me. Because heā€™s gonna suicide

Suicide is no good.

I mean I hope this is unseen game or it wonā€™t look good for Squid.

Paladin plz counterclaimz.

I do think its Unseen game tbh.
Assa couldā€™ve went for jailed, target healed, immune, occed. Many things, ya know

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Many ways for kill to fail