Experimental Forum of Lies 1 - Deaf and Afraid - The Unseen Win!

I highly doubt we have 2 physicians one alch and two knights.

That’s way too BD sided :frowning:

No or Yes, my mind are in 99% confusion rn.

That’s voting…

Or sheeping

Oh noes, didn’t you do the same?


Oh noes, aren’t we all guilty of sheeping?


Pretty much, but I know what I have to do.

Just in case.


I mean you sheep like my mindset OwO

You are just betting they put up your target and vote with the wagon OnO

@Kirefitten Am I wrong? You were scared of getting voted earlier, panicking.

That’s what I meant, I didn’t push anyone, I just sheeped

I was.

Cause I was spooked.

Votes are spooky :frowning:

Push, sheeped, Made no difference.

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But could it be possible one of the wagon is what you want to achieve?

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My scorned games are d2 claim in princess and saying target is not what they claimed. Or drunk Debbed and attacked. Fool is ententiony slipping. Not being passive

My fool game play is to be very obvious I’m fool that I can’t be fool.

Or I just claim fool :man_shrugging:

Lol what? That’s still admitting.

I mean come on, you can’t just say that you have STYLE in how you play your classes.

I promise that if you admit now nothing will happen little scorned :frowning:
I always keep my promises

Let’s see.

  1. Assuming Squid’s check really targeted Frost, these are the possibilities:

a) Boss lied about the deb; possibly trying to get lynched as Fool because I see no other advantage this play could have
b) One of the unclaimed is CW who barriered Squid
c) Squid is Scorned with a somehow uncontested Sheriff claim because of lurkers missing out and one of them being real Sheriff
d) Frost got framed and a) or b) is true (could be either Scorned or Fool!Frost)
e) Frost is scum and a) or b) is true

  1. Assuming Squid’s guilty check didn’t target Frost, these are the possibilities:

a) Boss is telling the truth and got framed

Obviously there are far fewer hoops to jump through if we assume Boss is telling the truth. If he lied, it’s pretty much either way.

One more thing - I really hate this conversation that unfolded when I disappeared for a moment. Joker and Pug thunderdoming Phys is bad. There’s NK in there most likely