[Faction Suggestion] The Corrupt

Just because being able to pierce conversion immunity is this faction’s unique quirk dosen’t mean it’s a good quirk.

Convert immunity exists for a reason.

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And Rope, WHY won’t there be more than 3?

I’ve seen no reason not to think that more variety isn’t good.

because not everyone can memorize a billion roles

Then add a seperate mode for every pair of factions:

Unseen/Cult mode.
Brotherhood/??? mode.


It’s not that hard.

ask the developers if there is even going to be a third faction before asking for 4 and more

I’m not asking for 4.

I’m just showing a way in which having 4 could work.

this is correct. the prince is tied for the most important class because of his ability to occupy, kill, and be conversion immune.prince could just jail and execute.

the game would become where no one can trust anyone in the bd.

trust me, piercing conversion immunity is over powered.

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Being able to convert reliably, and being able to convert anyone(except the main enemy, the White Agent), being able to end the game quickly if The Source becomes King… that are the strengths, true… but they need these strengths. They are(or let’s say should be, we need to try that out, some things might require fine balancing, especially various cooldowns) still balanced, however, because they have weaknesses, one of them outright mortal.
The Corrupt can not only convert everyone besides one person… the Source can even resurrect someone, or make an extra conversion(with a strong cooldown tho) in times of crisis, and the Source can blend in as Investigative (or Priest), talk to the Dead…
The extra conversion makes The Source vulnerable to Resonance(the main investigative ability)
If The Source dies by any means(is Night Immune tho) then The Corrupt are either in deep trouble or outright dead. As soon as The Source is dead, there will be no more Corruptor replacement(unless the BD make a mistake and let the Corruptor who was Corruptor at the time of The Source’s death alive for 9 days as Corrupt(not Corruptor, Corrupt!)(highly unlikely)), in that case the Corruptor becomes the next The Source. This all means that very long fights can be good for BD and terrible for The Corrupt- you can’t wait too long.
The Corruptor can only convert every 3 days. If there is no new Corrupt by special means or by extinction, then the Corrupt can even convert out of cooldown via The Source, but that is because the main weakness of this Faction is The Source. Nearly everything stands and falls with the source. The Source must be kept hidden at all costs(it is capable of hiding), because if it is outed as such and The White Agent is alive, then it doesn’t matter how many BD are left then next night(unless the White Agent is imprisoned, or hindered by The Source King), the White Agent will use its Great Cleansing and The Corrupt lose.
Even The Source King can be dealt with, if the White Agent uses The White Grip at day and then The Great Cleansing.
The second weakness of The Corrupt is limited information. Their most powerful members are distracted by their duties(The Source and, if applicable, The Corrupt Prince) and cannot join them at night- which means that The Source must find a way to distribute the information without being outed and Cleansed.
Even worse, The Corrupt Prince has only limited information about its allies and may accidentally out himself(via a clever" I am Corrupt" fakeclaim, for example) or worse, kill an ally.
Corrupt Neutral Killers may seem to be the most fearful weapon in the arsenal of The Corrupt(and they are definitely dangerous) but on the other hand they might not have the best fakeclaim. Finding valuable allies and finding your mortal enemy… those two things are necessary for The Corrupt; their killing abilities are not that great…(they can bypass immunity, but with a huge cooldown, and only kill a few times with The Corrupt).
The last line of Balance is White Bond, an ability that turns a convertable class into yourself if you use it on the night you die. This means that The Corrupt can still not act in the open after The White Agent died at night(as opposed to being executed for treason).
The Source King is fairly noticable after some time if they act with haste(especially noticable is the lack of guards, but that can be dealt with) so they need to remove The White Agent fast before the Agent notices who is King.


accidently revived this thread.

But nice work tho.

After the end of SFOL 10 I have decided to make some changes. Feedback would be appreciated.


Source king should only be allowed to convert one target per night
Source should have same rules as MM (Corrupter becomes source if it dies before day 4)
Corrupter kill should have only one night of cooldown, not 2

They did all of those it seems.

Source does not have MM protection, but does allow limited promotion right now under very limited circumstances. The reason is that the Source should never be found out easily; but I need to make Hide Corruption stronger, especially now that Allies exists which didn’t when I suggested it.
I could open up promotion to Source to all Corrupt if the Corruptor is dead(they would still need 7/5 days of being Corrupt; that’s not easy but also not impossible, especially if TWA is dead.)

The problem is that the source could be random outted by an alchemist, or random exes by prince, or even AFK killed and corrupt just dies.

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Yeah AFK and yoloalch will be a problem. Yoloexe is not because it cannot be done before Night 3. I have changed it slightly.

Yoloexe could happen night 3

Yes, and the Source should not be protected from a Night 3 exe.
There is another thing that might need change, then. Currently, The Great Cleansing is a “You lose” button when it hits The Source. That would be not problematic if these Yoloalchs/outing Neutral Killers would not exist but…

Hmm. I think The Great Cleansing maybe should not be usable until night 3 or 4?

Not really a great idea! The Agent could just wait until Day 4 ends!
I could tone it down to just disable promotion into The Source(which is bad enough for the Corrupt), and to make it unusable until Night 4.

Updated due to the latest patches.