Fake Artist Chat

I just drew a dog to fuck with kyo

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Yo yo? Who the hell draws a dog for yoyo?

And what the hell is recreation, someone remind me
I searched it up and examples came up Skii-ing

its a basic yoyo trick

We need to make a new room for cheese






This is ridiculous
Where are the universal terms so I actually have an idea of what I am doing
And who the hell has used a yo-yo and knows the tricks to them
That’s about as common as hoola-hooping

it’s like pasttimes

things people do for fun

People do not yo-yo

it’s called a fake artist goes to new york

american terms are canon

Oh ffs

doja cat


my brother does, he knows like 60 tricks and has like 10 yoyos

I am drawing but I keep screwing it up

The last line should also have another line under it

wow an artist
how u do dat

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ok sulit is town

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Pointing out who it isn’t is unoptimal