Fake Artist Chat

it’s between kyo/kat for me tbh

leaning kat

chloe: im thinking

chloe: draws nothing

what is kyo

i think kat

but i dont know what the heck kyo coulda drawn lmfao


no like

Should I just say my second? It ties in with the theme but doesn’t relate to the actual thing

i decided to draw something that could be used as a template, for the word

i get your second
what was your first

My first one is a key

yes do it

i realized

second one has to do with food

should i explain my drawings

they’re really high iq


____ is ____?

Oh right. Key to the second object and also it’s related to jacksepticeye

That’s exactly it Marshal

that or it’s an attachment

kk its kat then

if i explain my second drawing any more, kat will get it

i already softed

/vote kat


/vote kat

marshal doesnt understand my signals