Fake Artist Chat

you’re all welcome for the biggest bait word of the century

i wrote “orge” as a short way to say “orange”

and then i drew bricks of a wall

i was so off on kat lol,

that was a fun round

ur a nerd dat but at least we won

though they were nacho fries

Good night Sulit.

what the fuck LMAO

i thought cloned drew barbed wire so i thought he was clear

and then i realized everybody else was more clear

I thought it was razer blades. Like, the bottom part is a knife handle.

I’m lucky people actually understand what I was thinking

i was like 200% sure that it was alcohol

was the purple thing a nacho?

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oh idk what the fuck that was

i drew like the
going crazy kinda symbol

I thought the red drawing geniunely was razer blades and I’m like
Katze must be town because if they were the traitor they would know it was food or drink


sulit’s half circle

i should’ve gone off of that


ok i cleared cheese off of cinnamon twists
sulit obv
kat because nacho frie bricks and orgE
Marshals kat for same reason
and kyo made no sense to me even with palendrone. The drawing doesnt make sense to me

“kat wrote orgy and drew razor blades, this is town”

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How is this not razer blades

I got to see Kyo’s mad cropping skills in real time, pog

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for such a simple drawing you shouldn’t have tbh

how is this razor blades