Fake Artist Chat

i drew bricks under what i thought was barbed wire

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I wanted to draw a bell at first but I thought thatā€™d be too obvious

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u drew a fucking taco LMAO

me to

I did not what

yeah it wouldā€™ve been


was that not a taco

I thought dat drew sandwiches and then a boat ontop of someoneā€™s head


no it was a tiny bell

you drew ā€œdateā€ and said ā€˜hey check the dateā€™

it was cinco de mayo

we were obv softing mexican food

Until I told you it was an obvious hat


Wait I didnā€™t see that message

yeah but date for alcohol also makes sense tbf

and my 200iq word prob helped :sunglasses:

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i thought it meant date


romantic date

I was mainly thrown off by picture of katze = drunk

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Thatā€™s what I thought katze couldā€™ve been trying to draw as well

To be fair the round was almost over by then.